Register to take part in our November webinar series
Get inspiration and ideas for the classroom, develop your career and keep on top of ELT trends with our webinar series. All attendees to a live webinar will receive a certificate of attendance.
Content, Camera, Action! Video-Based Young Learner Lessons
Boost young learners' understanding. In this webinar, Kay Bentley will present easily-adapted ideas on how to use video footage from around the world.Tuesday, November 3, 2015
3:00 PM GMT - 4:00 PM GMT
Real World Written Genre and Writing Skills
The creation of a new written genre. Join Craig Thaine to examine real world written genre associated with information technology and consider some of the implications.Monday, November 9, 2015
3:00 PM GMT - 4:00 PM GMT
Making the Most of Blended Learning
Blended learning involves learning in practice. Jeanne McCarten and Helen Sandiford consider what the implementation of fully blended learning materials can mean for the teacher's role, the classroom, and the learner.Tuesday, November 10, 2015
3:00 PM GMT - 4:00 PM GMT
Putting Students in the Director's Chair
Empower and motivate students. In this webinar, Anna Whitcher will take you through the basic steps of introducing filmmaking projects that allow learners to have most of the control over their work.Tuesday, November 17, 2015
3:00 PM GMT - 4:00 PM GMT
The Stress-Free Way to Prepare Students for Key for Schools
Building confidence and maximising chances. In this webinar, Joanna Kosta will look at ways of maximising chances of success at Key for Schools, in the context of enjoyable general English classes.Tuesday, November 24, 2015
3:00 PM GMT - 4:00 PM GMT